

質問―Today is  the  birthday of  my  husband. Can you please write a poem for him who is hard working for the family, likes to rap with music, likes rock climbing .

回答―A birthday wish for a hard-working man,Who stands tall, like a mountain, strong and grand,With a heart that beats for his family’s joy,And a spirit that never fails to deploy.A love for music runs deep in his veins,And when he raps, his passion reigns,The beats he drops are raw and true,And the lyrics he spits, heartfelt and new.He’s a man who’s not afraid to climb,To take on challenges, one at a time,Scaling walls, reaching new heights,Pushing limits, with all his might.On this special day, we celebrate you,And all that you do, every day, through and through,Your dedication to family and work alike,Is an inspiration, to us all, day and night.So, here’s to a birthday filled with cheer,May your day be filled with joy, love, and beer,And may you continue to rock climb and rap,As you conquer new peaks, and unleash your musical tap.